
Welcome to Daffodil International Professional Training Institute (DIPTI).

It is fact that, Bangladesh has huge workforces and it will be a great benefit for Bangladesh economy if quality and standard professionals can be developed through comprehensive real life practical job-oriented training. Even today, most of the industries in Bangladesh rely on foreign workers for their technological consultation and also for implementation; which is slowing down our economic growth in this emerging world. It, therefore, has become very essential to develop skilled manpower in order to promote more businesses to attract foreign investment even produce quality products. This question encouraged us to establish Daffodil International Professional Training Institute (DIPTI). So, DIPTI will work on this concerned field to help to the educated but unemployed; also, to help to the professionals to develop their professionalism and establish their career.
The vision of DIPTI is to be the number one choice for job-oriented training for our huge pool of manpower as per market demand.
DIPTI will provide a very wide range of job-oriented and professional development training for both skilled and unskilled people to a human resource. These courses offer the opportunity for practitioners, individuals, businessmen, and employees to refresh to expand and enhance their IT & Animation skills/ professionalism. Professional Development Programs offer more than just a traditional learning experience. All the courses run by DIPTI will be experiential, challenging, interactive, and bridging academic theory and the real world of practice that will new work experience. DIPTI will surely bring appropriate knowledge to deal with potential measures, and help workers to improve working conditions, and encompass the maintenance and promotion of workers’ work performance.

DIPTI operates under Daffodil Computers Ltd (DCL). DCL started its business from 1990 and incorporated on January 26, 1998 as a Private Limited Company as per "THE COMPANIES ACT (ACT NO. XVIII) OF 1994" and registered with the registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. On April 25, 2002, DCL was converted into a Public Listed Company with the approval of security exchange commission (SEC) under the Ministry of Finance and Planning.

Hon'ble Chairman
Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Hon'ble Chairman, Daffodil Family and Daffodil International Professional Training Institute (DIPTI).
Job Placement Cell
Resource Personnel

Discover Daffodil Family

Daffodil Family encompasses over 54 concerns in four different arena-ICT, Education,Entrepreneurship and Hospital sectors. The Group is operating in major divisions and cosmopolitan areas in Bangladesh and started its operation in International dome. Today the group has started operation in UK, USA, Malaysia and Dubai and also has network and links worldwide. As the company is growing and increasing international footprint, the brand is also gaining international recognition. Every concern of Daffodil Family operates independently and each of these companies has its own board lead by directors. Daffodil Family is focusing on new technologies and innovation in thoughts, processes, approaches and strategies to excel in business and service arena and also returning wealth to the society we serve.

Contact Address


Daffodil Plaza, 4/2, Sobhanbag, Mirpur Road, Dhaka-1207


01713493267, 01713493288

01713493233, 01713493187

